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Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend....

     Oh Boy, the Easter Bunny is no one's friend when you are trying to maintain a healthy eating style!  Yes ladies, I did partake in some Milky Way Easter Bunny's! 

     So I've ran into one main concern with Body by Vi, I'm always on the go and I don't always know if I will be able to make it home in the middle of the day for a shake, so then I choose less healthy options (NEVER fast food though! not unless it's Subway, STAY AWAY FROM FAST FOOD!!!)

     I'm not sure if I should just keep a few scoops worth of the shake in my purse and then grab something to mix it with at a convenient store....but most gas stations do not sell soy milk either. 

( I have something similar to this that I plan on keeping a portion of the shake mix in and with me at all times, the ball really helps integrate the shake mix with the solvent)

     Easter Sunday we decided to go fishing all day at Eleven Mile here in Colorado.  I had a shake and some coffee for breakfast and was fine until the middle morning when I realized that I didn't have another shake for lunch.  I caved into a ham sandwich with a handful of Honey Mustard Pringles and ate a couple pieces of candy AND had a beer (My boys aren't the best role models :P )  I didn't drink enough water either yesterday :( 

     For dinner I made a ham in the crock pot, with twice baked mashed potatoes and some asparagus and I had a couple more beers.

    So the weekends are hard and holidays are even harder, but the key here is to not give up!  One bad weekend does not make you a horrible eater and doesn't mean you should throw in the towel and say To Hell With It!  Use these slips to learn how to better approach your next weakness.  Next weekend I will make sure to have a shake with me and I will scope out some of the convenient stores to see which ones sell the Soy Milk that will work for me.  I will also make sure I bring some bagged fresh fruits and veggies and some healthy tuna salad with me next time and not let someone else be in charge of packing the lunch!

     As for Holiday dinners, Indulge, but only one trip through the dinner line and have a bite or two of dessert.  I need to quit the beer, and OH how hard that will be with summer approaching (I'm sure there are better choices for beer to take to the lake this summer and still be able to look stellar in a two piece).

     I'm going to write a blurp on here about portion control and how to know without weighing and busting out a ruler to see what is 3in. 

     This is all a learning process for me, all trial and error, but I only want to promote something I know everything about.  This shake is awesome but it is not the SOLE ingredient to a sexy body!  Working out and living a healthy lifestyle is how to meet your goals.  Look at it as if the company that sells your absolute favorite weight management tool, whether it be a certain shake, or snack, or fitness water, went bankrupt and left you dangling in a world full of Milky Way Easter Bunny's!!!!!  How will you let something like that affect you?  Could you maintain without it?  If you adopt a healthy, active lifestyle then YES, you can bounce back from any minor set back!

    As I start a new week I promised myself to make better choices if met with an obstacle!  I was very active last week and I plan to bump that up a notch!  Off to the gym I go!

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